Saldanha at a glance

Where is Saldanha Bay located?

Saldanha Bay is a small, but thriving settlement located around 110 kilometres north of Cape Town, within the Saldanha Bay Municipality.

It subsequently finds itself strategically situated at the northern corner of the largest natural bay in SA. The lack of fresh water as well as its geographical location means that much of this town remains largely untouched. This makes Saldanha Bay properties highly sought-after real estate gems; offering investors, holidaymakers and residents unsurpassed serenity in unspoilt surroundings!
What are the major attractions in Saldanha and what makes the town unique?

One of Saldanha’s biggest attractions is the abundance of opportunities for water sports and leisure at its best. From sailing, to windsurfing; as well as fishing, boating, diving and so on – there’s loads to enjoy! Saldanha property owners will also appreciate the historic side of this slice of paradise! The town plays host to one of South Africa’s premier naval bases as well as the SA Military Academy.
With its unmistakable beauty, surrounding floral fields and the Atlantic Ocean as a backdrop – Saldanha truly is one of a kind! Commercial fishing, tourism, ore activities and movements relating to export continue to be dominant forces in Saldanha.
What is the Saldanha property market made up of?

A look at recent Lightstone reports indicate the market stock of Saldanha Bay is dominated by freehold or full-title properties, which account for over 90% of the property in Saldanha Bay. Estates and sectional-titles are considerably less at 7% and 2%, respectively.

27 Residential Homes For Sale in Saldanha

FROM R275,000 to POA

2 Commercial Properties For Sale in Saldanha

FROM R2,656,500 to R7,720,272

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